2024 Annual Meeting - ADAMH Board of Franklin County

2024 Annual Meeting

Resilient Futures: New Frontiers in Mental Health Prevention

Wednesday, Oct. 16

Light breakfast with live music by Viva La Strings: 7:30-8 a.m.
Program: 8-9:30 a.m.

Mitchell Hall at Columbus State Community College
250 Cleveland Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215

Keynote Speaker

Scott Langenecker, researcher from the State of Ohio Adversity and Resilience (SOAR) study, will share about pioneering research to uncover the root causes and risk factors of mental illness including addiction.

Scott Langenecker, PhD
Professor and Vice Chair of Research, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, College of Medicine
Scott Langenecker is a clinical neuropsychologist who specializes in assessing and treating mood and anxiety disorders, focused on late adolescents and young adults. His research efforts are focused on key life transitions where support systems and stressors may change, increasing the risk for emergence or exacerbation of brain illnesses, including suicide. Scott strives to better understand what causes mood disorders, with the ultimate goal of improving patients’ recovery and quality of life. His current projects also include developing and adapting innovative biological and cognitive tools to better identify, support and treat individuals with mood disorders. He is an active advocate for suicide prevention, with 20 years of volunteerism with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. He received his PhD from Marquette University, did his internship at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan. He is a member of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, the International Neuropsychological Society and the Society of Biological Psychiatry.

Annual Awards and Scholarships

Don’t miss out on seeing this year’s annual award winners and scholarship recipients recognized. Each year, ADAMH honors the individuals in the behavioral health system who go above and beyond in their work, their volunteerism and their advocacy to support the Franklin County community.

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