ADAMH is responsible for coordinating the ongoing assessment of needs of all Franklin County residents for services and supports across Franklin County’s continuum of care. In 2020, ADAMH partnered with Measurement Resources Company (MRC) to initiate a comprehensive needs assessment to better understand the behavioral health system strengths and opportunities and quantify the met and unmet service needs.
The Community Needs Assessment is an inclusive, comprehensive study representative of all voices throughout Franklin County. Data collection strategies were carefully designed to capture a wide range of experiences within and outside of the ADAMH network with mechanisms for eliciting specific experiences. The data summarized in the assessment came from the following sources:
- ADAMH Internal Data
- Review of Publicly Available Community Data
- 25 System Expert Interviews
- 10 Focus Groups of 51 Community Members
- Social Service Provider Survey
- Community Survey
The results of the Community Needs Assessment informed the development of ADAMH’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.