The materials in this toolkit will guide you to share information about 2023 ADAMH Summer Camps.
This toolkit includes:

ADAMH Branding Requirements
Prior to the First Day of Camp
• Display the ADAMH logo on the camp website/page.
• Include the ADAMH logo on summer camp materials including application, brochures, flyers, etc.
• Provide ADAMH with your camp website URL and copies of all materials mentioned above. Logos Included below.
• Provide ADAMH with the dates, times and locations of special performances/presentations planned for the summer.
By July 14
• Take a variety of photos and videos of summer camp activities throughout the summer. Share photos and videos with ADAMH by July 15 using WeTransfer or email (
• Tag @ADAMHFranklin in all Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter posts made by and about your ADAMH-funded camp.
The videos and pictures are not expected to be professional in nature. No special equipment or editing software is needed, just a Smartphone.
View instructions on how to use WeTransfer.
Reminder! It’s important to have an appropriate release signed by a parent or guardian to use of photos and videos of youth on social media and other marketing/outreach materials. Thank you.

Sample eNewsletter Article
*Name of Provider* is proud to provide *Name of Summer Camp* to youth in *Name of Area Reached* thanks to our sponsor, The Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County (ADAMH). We are helping kids learn more about mental health through our support of social and emotional development. Campers are also learning about the ways alcohol and other drugs affect the brain and body.
*Share a picture or two of your campers participating in an activity or learning together.*

Sample Social Media Posts
Facebook Posts
Meet *insert name of camper*. This week at *insert name of camp*, they are having fun and learning that *insert lessons about resiliency, mental health, or staying drug-free*. Thank you for making this possible, @ADAMHFranklin!
*Post with a picture of the camper.*
Say hello to the staff who helped make everything happen at *insert name of camp* this year! Special thanks to @ADAMHFranklin for providing funding for this year's camp.
*Post with a group picture of staff.*
Thanks to @ADAMHFranklin for all of our camp swag!
*Post with a picture of campers wearing their shirts and holding other ADAMH branded items.*
Here at *insert name of camp* we join @ADAMHFranklin in teaching our youth about the effects of alcohol and other drugs.
*Post with a video of campers.
Today at *insert name of camp* we learned *insert daily lesson relating to mental health or substance use*. Thanks to @ADAMHFranklin for making this camp possible!
*Post with a picture of campers listening to a speaker or participating in an activity relating to the daily lesson.*
We had a blast today on our trip to *insert field trip location*! @ADAMHFranklin
*Post with pictures of campers and staff during a day trip.*
We are proud to be an @ADAMHFranklin funded summer camp! Franklin County youth are provided with a safe and fun learning environment during the summer at *insert camp name*.
*Post with pictures of campers.*
Facebook Post Tips:
- Tag @ADAMHFranklin in posts that you create.
- If your campers are split up into groups, take pictures of each group with their leader.
- Posed pictures are nice, but try taking some candid pictures as campers participate in different activities!
- Always post with a picture or video rather than plain text to grab people's attention and show what is happening at your camp.
- Double check your spelling and grammar before posting.
Instagram Posts
Meet *insert name of camper*. This week at *insert name of camp*, they are learning *insert lessons about resiliency, mental health, or staying drug-free*. Thank you for making this possible, @ADAMHFranklin!
#ADAMH #ADAMHSummerCamps #drugfree #summercamp #mentalhealth
*Post with a picture of the camper.*
*Insert name of staff member* is working with *insert name of camp* this year to help Franklin County youth learn to *insert lesson relating to mental health or substance use*! Thank you @ADAMHFranklin for making this camp possible.
#ADAMH #ADAMHSummerCamps #drugfree #summercamp #mentalhealth
*Post with a picture of the staff member with some campers.*
Say hello to the staff who helped make everything happen at *insert name of camp* this year! Special thanks to @ADAMHFranklin for providing funding for this year's camp.
#ADAMH #ADAMHSummerCamps #drugfree #summercamp #mentalhealth
*Post with a group picture of staff.*
Thanks to @ADAMHFranklin for all of our camp swag!
#ADAMH #ADAMHSummerCamps #drugfree #summercamp #mentalhealth
*Post with a picture of campers wearing their shirts and holding other ADAMH branded items.*
Here at *insert name of camp* we join @ADAMHFranklin in teaching our youth about the effects of alcohol and other drugs.
#ADAMH #ADAMHSummerCamps #drugfree #summercamp #mentalhealth
*Post with a video of campers.
Today at *insert name of camp* we learned *insert daily lesson relating to mental health or substance use*. Thanks to @ADAMHFranklin for making this camp possible!
#ADAMH #ADAMHSummerCamps #drugfree #summercamp #mentalhealth
*Post with a picture of campers listening to a speaker or participating in an activity relating to the daily lesson.*
We had a blast today on our trip to *insert field trip location*! @ADAMHFranklin
#fieldtrip #ADAMH #ADAMHSummerCamps #drugfree #summercamp #mentalhealth
*Post with pictures of campers and staff during a day trip.*
We are proud to be an @ADAMHFranklin funded summer camp! Franklin County youth are provided with a safe and fun learning environment during the summer at *insert camp name*.
#ADAMH #ADAMHSummerCamps #drugfree #summercamp #mentalhealth
*Post with pictures of campers.*
Instagram Post Tips:
- Tag @ADAMHFranklin in posts that you create.
- Geotag your posts with the location or your camp.
- Use the hashtags provided above on your posts.
- If your campers are split up into groups, take pictures of each group with their leader.
- Posed pictures are nice, but try taking some candid pictures as campers participate in different activities!
- Double check your spelling and grammar before posting.
Twitter Posts
Meet *insert name of camper*. This week at *insert name of camp*, they are having fun and learning that *insert lessons about resiliency, mental health, or staying drug-free*. Thank you for making this possible, @ADAMHFranklin!
*Post with a picture of the camper.*
Say hello to the staff who helped make everything happen at *insert name of camp* this year! Special thanks to @ADAMHFranklin for providing funding for this year's camp.
*Post with a group picture of staff.*
Thanks to @ADAMHFranklin for all of our camp swag!
*Post with a picture of campers wearing their shirts and holding other ADAMH branded items.*
Here at *insert name of camp* we join @ADAMHFranklin in teaching our youth about the effects of alcohol and other drugs.
*Post with a photo or video of campers.
Today at *insert name of camp* we learned *insert daily lesson relating to mental health or substance use*. Thanks to @ADAMHFranklin for making this camp possible!
*Post with a picture of campers listening to a speaker or participating in an activity relating to the daily lesson.*
We had a blast today on our trip to *insert field trip location*! @ADAMHFranklin
*Post with pictures of campers and staff during a day trip.*
We are proud to be an @ADAMHFranklin funded summer camp! Franklin County youth are provided with a safe and fun learning environment during the summer at *insert camp name*.
*Post with pictures of campers.*
Twitter Post Tips:
- Tag @ADAMHFranklin in posts that you create.
- Posed pictures are nice, but try taking some candid pictures as campers participate in different activities!
- Double check your spelling and grammar before posting.

Questions? Camps may contact the Public Relations Department at ADAMH at