Celebrating Safely this Holiday Season - ADAMH Board of Franklin County

Celebrating Safely this Holiday Season

Although we may be physically apart this holiday season, we are together in our resolve to keep our community safe.

ADAMH is partnering with Franklin County Public Health and the Franklin County Board of Commissioners on a public awareness campaign, Spread Love, Not COVID, to encourage everyone to find safe ways to celebrate the holidays this year. You should be seeing this campaign’s messages on major channels, networks and streaming stations. I encourage you to share this important information with your network. View the campaign here or watch the video included below.

Understandably, we are all experiencing COVID fatigue and long for a return to some sense of normalcy, especially during the holiday season. With vaccine distribution beginning this month, there is a light at the end of this COVID tunnel. We just need to safely navigate the winter months.

This year, consider establishing new family traditions that allow for social distancing. Brighten the holidays for others by donating to one of our many provider agencies that are providing gifts to those in our community who are less fortunate. Coordinate a family and friends food drive for a local food pantry. Reach out to family and friends who live alone with cards, phone calls and Zoom parties.

Most importantly, know that it is ok to not be ok this holiday season. Talking to someone can help. Call 614.276.CARE (2273) for emotional support and connection to resources. ADAMH and our network of providers are here to support you and your family.

Wishing you a joyous, safe holiday season and a healthy and happy New Year!

Erika Clark Jones, ADAMH CEO

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