May is Mental Health Month - ADAMH Board of Franklin County

May is Mental Health Month

This month, we are asking YOU to help spread mental health awareness and reduce the stigma of mental illness.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is a state of emotional and psychological well-being in which an individual is able to use his or her cognitive and emotional capabilities, function in society, and meet the ordinary demands of everyday life. Good mental health is key to your overall health.


What is Mental Illness?

Mental Illness is a common but treatable, health condition – like heart disease and diabetes – that affects the brain and is best treated by a healthcare professional. Examples are: addiction, depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.


With proper treatment and support, most people can, and do, recover and go on to lead healthy, productive lives. Do not let stigma prevent you from getting the care you deserve or from helping a friend in need. Many people experience mental illness and, just like experiencing physical illnesses, see a doctor for help. Start talking to your loved ones about mental health and increase the chance that they will receive treatment sooner rather than later.

Join us in celebrating Mental Health Month by downloading our Mental Health Month Toolkit! This toolkit includes:

  • Sample Social Media Posts and Graphics
  • Sample Email Message and Header Graphics
  • Website Banner Graphics
  • Mental Health Month Flyers

Download the Toolkit

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to stay up-to-date with information about mental health and addiction services available in Franklin County.


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