Phone: 614.252.8834
Email: recoverychoicesintake@alvis180.org
Web: https://alvis180.org
2100 Stella Court
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Recovery Choices Outpatient Behavioral Health Treatment: 614.252.8834
Amethyst, an Alvis Recovery Program: 614.242.1284
The Community Reentry Center – workforce development training and GED education: 614.252.0660
Who We Are
Alvis provides reentry, behavioral health treatment, workforce development, family support and other services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Integrated behavioral health care, including medication-assisted treatment, is available at both the Recovery Choices and Amethyst programs. Recovery Choices provides Intensive Outpatients Programs and Outpatient Program treatment services for men and women. Amethyst is a longer term, holistic program for women. Recovery housing for men and women (including case management and peer support) are available for individuals with or without minor children.
Accessible by bus/on bus line
Addictive behaviors (gambling/food/etc.)
After-school program
Alcohol use/drinking
Anger management
Case management/ care coordination
Drug use/treatment
Dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders
Family counseling
Individual counseling
Job/employment/ vocational support
Life skills training
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT such as suboxone)
Medication management
Mental health treatment
Opioid use/treatment
Parenting classes
Peer support
Personality disorders
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Prescription drug use
Recovery housing
Reentry services
Social anxiety disorder
Stress management
Substance use/treatment
Summer camp
Support group (drug/alcohol use)
Support group
Telehealth/ telemedicine
Trauma-informed care
Treatment for pregnant women
The Amethyst program is a longer term (12-18 months), trauma-informed, holistic treatment program designed to meet women’s behavioral healthcare needs. Children up to age 18 can live with their mothers while the mother is in treatment. Includes family services, including parenting classes, after school and school break programs, prevention, family reunification, etc.

Phone: 614.257.6300
Fax: 614.257.6327
Email: info@cul.org
Web: https://www.cul.org/
788 Mt. Vernon Avenue
Columbus, OH 43203
Who We Are
The Columbus Urban League is a community-driven organization dedicated to fostering a fully inclusive economy. They focus on dismantling systemic barriers for disenfranchised and underserved communities, empowering individuals to build and maintain wealth. Committed to integrity and respect, Columbus Urban League provides innovative services that advocate for and support our communities, ensuring everyone can achieve their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society.

Phone: 614.252.4941
Email: lford@cndcolumbus.org
Web: http://www.cndcolumbus.org/
993 E. Main St.
Columbus, OH 43205
Treatment Services: 614.252.4941
Who We Are
With five service locations in Columbus, CND reaches the most at-need populations in our community and responds to community needs, serving inner-city, economically distressed neighborhoods. CND provides mental health and substance use disorder treatment services to adults, prevention and leadership training to youth, and violence intervention to youth and young adults.
Accessible by bus/on bus line
After-school program
Alcohol use/drinking
Anger management
Bipolar Disorder
Case management/ care coordination
Crisis intervention
Drug use/treatment
Dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders
Individual counseling
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT such as suboxone)
Medication management
Mental health treatment
OCD (Obsessive /Compulsive Disorder)
Opioid use/treatment
Peer support
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Prescription drug use
Recovery housing
Social anxiety disorder
Stress management
Substance use/treatment
Summer camp
Support group (drug/alcohol use)
Support group
Telehealth/ telemedicine
Violence intervention

Phone: 614.882.9338
Email: intake@concordcounseling.org
Web: http://www.concordcounseling.org/
700 Brooksedge Blvd.
Westerville, OH 43081
Who We Are
Concord helps individuals improve their emotional health and live more successful lives. Their mission is Instilling Hope and Serving with Heart. Concord’s services offer support for people experiencing issues with mental health and/or substance use. Concord’s focus is helping individuals and families develop their own strengths through: Psychiatry, Mental Health and Substance Use Therapy, Services for Seniors, Case Management, School-based Services, Respite Services for Families, Vocational Services, Pathway Clubhouse and 1221 Art Space.
Addictive behaviors (gambling/food/etc.)
Alcohol use/drinking
Bereavement/Grief counseling
Bipolar Disorder
Case management/ care coordination
Child behavior
Drug use/treatment
Dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders
Eating disorder
Family counseling
Gambling addiction
Housing coordination
Individual counseling
Job/employment/ vocational support
Life skills training
Medication management
Mental health treatment
OCD (Obsessive /Compulsive Disorder)
Opioid use/treatment
Personality disorders
Pharmacy services
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Prescription drug use
School services
Social anxiety disorder
Stress management
Substance use/treatment
Suicide prevention
Support group
Telehealth/ telemedicine
Trauma-informed care
Youth mental health services
Transitional Aged Youth (18-25)
Severe and Persistent Mental Illness
LGBTQ+ community

Phone: 614.409.1400
Email: lpuett@eastway.org
Web: https://www.eastway.org/
301 Obetz Rd.
Columbus, OH 43207
Main Location:
Eastway Behavioral Healthcare
600 Wayne Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45410
Phone: 937.496.2000
Fax: 937.463.2958
Who We Are
The Heritage of Hannah Neil is a treatment component of Eastway Behavioral Healthcare of Dayton, Ohio. There are two centers in Columbus which provide a comprehensive range of behavioral health programs for children and families directly or through collaboration with other agencies or systems of care. Programs include outpatient, school based, Day Treatment, residential treatment and prevention, educational programs. The core components of all services provided within the treatment programs are resiliency based, trauma informed, client centered and family driven. All programs offer psychiatric treatment and management, case management, individual, family and group counseling medication management and nursing services. Interventions include evidence based and promising practices including Trauma Informed Care, Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Problem Solving Skills Training, Parenting and classroom behavioral management. Prevention and educational services are also provided.

Phone: 614.252.5362
Email: INFO@ethiotss.org
Web: https://ethiotss.org/
4300 E. Broad St., Suite D
Columbus, Ohio 43213
Who We Are
The mission of ETSS Tewahedo Social Services is to provide comprehensive support and assistance to immigrant and refugee communities, empowering individuals to rebuild their lives and integrate into their new communities. Their vision is a society where all individuals, regardless of their background, have access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive and succeed. Through programs and services, ETSS strives to foster a sense of belonging, promote cultural understanding and create pathways to self-sufficiency and successful integration.
Bhutanese/Nepali, Congolese Somali Hispanic Refugees, Immigrants, New Americans, LGBTQIA+ Community

Phone: 614.294.8097
Web: http://huckhouse.org/
1421 Hamlet St.
Columbus, OH 43201
Crisis Hotline: 614.294.5553
YOP Shop: 614.826.3630
Who We Are
Huckleberry House works with youth and families who are dealing with some of the most difficult problems such as abuse, violence, neglect, poverty and homelessness. They offer proven programs and employ committed people who know how to help young people and families take control of their lives so they can move past the circumstances they’re in and move toward the future they want. Huckleberry House is a 24-hour safe and supportive alternative to life on the streets for teens. Services provided include: a crisis intervention and emergency shelter program, a transitional living program, street outreach and family support services including counseling, community education and events for parents and teens on runaway prevention.

Phone: 614.445.4131
Web: http://www.maryhaven.com/
1791 Alum Creek Drive
Columbus, OH 43207
Who We Are
Maryhaven offers residential and outpatient services, medically assisted treatment, specialized programming for pregnant women and homeless adults, gambling intervention, cognitive behavioral and other proven therapies, and individual, group and family counseling for adolescents and adults.
Accessible by bus/on bus line
Addictive behaviors (gambling/food/etc.)
Alcohol use/drinking
Crisis intervention
Detoxification (Detox)
Drug use/treatment
Gambling addiction
Individual counseling
Job/employment/ vocational support
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT such as suboxone)
Opioid use/treatment
Peer support
Prescription drug use
Substance use/treatment
Trauma-informed care
Treatment for pregnant women

Phone: 614.501.6264
Email: nami@namifc.org
Web: http://www.namifranklincounty.org/
1225 Dublin Road, Suite 50
Columbus, OH 43215
Who We Are
NAMI Franklin County is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with mental health conditions and their families through support, education, advocacy, referral and outreach. NAMI FC’s program priorities include: raising awareness, reducing stigma, providing inclusive and accessible services, collaborating with community partners to bridge gaps in crisis and clinical services, serving as a resource for families of individuals with lived experience and advocating at the local, state and national level.
Individuals with Mental Health Conditions
Family Members and Caregivers
Teens and Young Adults
Frontline Workers
Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC). This includes the Bhutanese-Nepali, Somali and Hispanic communities

Phone: 614.355.8080
Web: http://nationwidechildrens.org/behavioral-health
444 Butterfly Gardens Drive
Columbus, OH 43215
Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Franklin County Youth Psychiatric Crisis Line: 614.722.1800
Who We Are
Big Lots Behavioral Health Services at Nationwide Children’s Hospital offers a wide range of behavioral health services to address the needs of these patients and their families.
A comprehensive team approach brings together psychiatry, psychology, specialized pediatrics, counseling, parent support specialists, social work and nursing to help with every aspect of a child’s treatment.
Accessible by bus/on bus line
Attention Deficit/ADD/ADHD
Bipolar Disorder
Case management/ care coordination
Child behavior
Crisis intervention
Dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders
Eating disorder
Family counseling
Hospital Inpatient
Individual counseling
Medication management
Mental health treatment
OCD (Obsessive /Compulsive Disorder)
Parenting classes
Peer support
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
School services
Social anxiety disorder
Stress management
Substance use/treatment
Suicide prevention
Summer camp
Telehealth/ telemedicine
Trauma-informed care
Youth mental health services

Phone: 614.299.6600
Email: inquiries@ncmhs.org
Web: http://ncmhs.org/
1301 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43201
24-Hour Suicide Prevention Hotline: 614.221.5445 *texting available Monday through Friday, noon to 10 PM
Teen Hotline: 614.294.3300
Senior Hotline: 614.294.3309
Family Focus: 614.227.6865
To request LGBTQI+ Services, call the Family Focus number and request linkage to Stonewall services.
Who We Are
North Central Mental Health Services is a comprehensive, community-based mental health and recovery agency with 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline services. North Central serves all age groups from young children to older adults and treats children, adults and families. Some persons receiving services will benefit from short-term outpatient care to help them move forward; others may need more intensive treatment over a longer period of time.
LGBTQIA+, Older Adults, Transitional Youth

Phone: 614.261.3196
Email: intake@northcommunity.com
Web: http://northcommunity.com/
6037 Cleveland Ave.
Columbus, OH 43229
Who We Are
North Community Counseling Centers (NCCC) is a nonprofit, mental health agency on a mission to assist people in the community to achieve their maximum potential. With four locations, home- and school-based programs, NCCC is able to reach individuals, couples and families throughout Franklin County and help them with challenges related to mental health and addiction. In addition to therapy, we offer case management, substance use disorder treatment, and youth and adolescent programming.
Bhutanese-Nepali community, LGBTQ+ community, Women At-Risk, Children, Youth and Adolescent, Class 1 Residential Care Facilities

Phone: 888.622.5564
Email: centralohiointake@ohioguidestone.org
Web: http://ohioguidestone.org/
515 E. Main St.
Columbus, OH 43215
Who We Are
With compassion and respect, OhioGuidestone helps people across the lifespan navigate the most difficult times of their lives. As the state’s leader in community behavioral health care, OhioGuidestone focuses on the needs of the whole person, empowering them to take steps towards a healthier future. OhioGuidestone provides a complete continuum of prevention services and mental health and substance use treatment, focusing on responsive person-centered care to 26,000 people each year through telehealth and locations statewide.
Addictive behaviors (gambling/food/etc.)
Alcohol use/drinking
Attention Deficit/ADD/ADHD
Bereavement/Grief counseling
Bipolar Disorder
Child behavior
Drug use/treatment
Family counseling
Individual counseling
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT such as suboxone)
Mental health treatment
OCD (Obsessive /Compulsive Disorder)
Opioid use/treatment
Parenting classes
Peer support
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Prescription drug use
Recovery housing
School services
Social anxiety disorder
Stress management
Substance use/treatment
Suicide prevention
Support group (drug/alcohol use)
Telehealth/ telemedicine
Youth mental health services
School-based, Substance Use Services, Early Childhood

Phone: 614.645.5500
Fax: 614.645.5517
Email: Andrea.Wilson@primaryonehealth.org
Web: http://primaryonehealth.org/
2780 Airport Drive, Ste 100
Columbus, OH 43219
Near East Side
720 E. Broad St., Suites 100 & 101
Columbus, OH 43215
Who We Are
PrimaryOne Health and Southeast Healthcare partner to serve the people of the Near East Side, offering physical health care and behavioral health care.
At PrimaryOne Health, their mission is to provide access to services that improve the health status of families, including people experiencing financial, social or cultural barriers to health care. They are a group of highly trained medical professionals committed to promoting the health and well-being of all individuals and families in the Central Ohio community.
Being a patient at PrimaryOne Health means you will be treated as a “whole person”— emotionally and physically. This approach helps individuals and families achieve wellness and improve overall health. One of the ways they do this is by offering behavioral health care to all of their patients who receive medical, dental and/or vision care at one of their centers. As a Federally Qualified Health Center, they serve all residents of central Ohio, insured (including Medicaid and/or Medicare) or uninsured. PrimaryOne Health also has Certified Application Counselors that can assist those who are eligible.
Mental Health Treatment
Substance Use Treatment
Medication Management
Primary Care
Women’s Health
School-Based Health Centers
Nutrition Services
Physical Therapy
Pharmacy Services
Healthcare for the Homeless
Refugee Clinic
Community Health Outreach Workers
Mobile Health Units
Columbus/Central Ohio

Phone: 614.225.0990
Fax: 614-225-0986
Email: info@southeasthc.com
Web: http://www.southeasthc.org/
16 W. Long St.
Columbus, OH 43215
Franklin Station
524 W. Broad St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215
This location offers primary healthcare, mental health and substance use treatment.
Merion Village
1455 S. Fourth St.
Columbus, Ohio 43207
This location offers substance use treatment, mental health treatment and counseling.
3770 N. High St.
Columbus, Ohio 43214
This location provides vocational services, transitional employment, and MyRecovery Works program for people with mental health concerns.
Near East Side
720 E. Broad St., Suite 101
Columbus, OH 43215
PrimaryOne Health and Southeast Healthcare partner to serve the people of the Near East Side, offering physical healthcare and behavioral healthcare.
Who We Are
Southeast provides evidence-based healthcare services and supports people in becoming active participants in their healthcare decisions. Southeast’s holistic approach addresses physical, mental health, substance use and life wellness needs. They are a Primary Care Medical Home and their team will work with patients to provide complete care, better access to care and more coordinated care. Southeast offers a sliding fee scale and takes most insurances, as well as Medicare and Medicaid.
Mental Health, Mental illness, addiction treatment, outpatient treatment, opioid treatment, suboxone, vivitrol, counseling, case management, vocational services, homelessness, shelter, dental, primary care, navigator, insurance marketplace, Medicaid, sliding fee scale, psychiatry, treatment teams, recovery, care coordination, LGBTQ+, Franklin County

Phone: 614.824.5437
Email: intake@svfc.org
Web: http://svfsohio.org/
1490 E. Main St.
Columbus, OH 43205
Now providing: CANS assessments, Same Day Access to behavioral health assessments and primary healthcare services to clients through The Ohio State University Total Health & Wellness Center on-site at St. Vincent Family Services.
Questions about Donations, Volunteering or Community Relations Inquiries:
Sara Russell
614.252.0731 Ext. 1153
Schedule an appointment for services: 614.824.KIDS(5437)
Who We Are
SVFS delivers quality, trauma-informed behavioral health services to children of all ages and their families. SVFS specializes in increasing positive behaviors in children, strengthening family relationships and working with families affected by trauma. SVFS offers a comprehensive range of behavioral health services to help children succeed at home, at school and in life.
Accessible by bus/on bus line
Anger management
Attention Deficit/ADD/ADHD
Bereavement/Grief counseling
Bipolar Disorder
Case management/ care coordination
Child behavior
Family counseling
Individual counseling
Medication management
Mental health treatment
OCD (Obsessive /Compulsive Disorder)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
School services
Social anxiety disorder
Stress management
Support group (grief)
Trauma-informed care
Youth mental health services
Hispanic/Latino community in Franklin County

Phone: 614.889.5722
Fax: 614-889-9335
Email: info@syntero.org
Web: https://www.syntero.org/
299 Cramer Creek Court
Dublin, OH 43017
Mill Run location:
3645 Ridge Mill Drive Hilliard, Ohio 43026
Phone: 614.457.7876
Fax: 614.457.7896
Lewis Center location:
Mt. Carmel Health & Fitness Bldg, off Rt 23
7100 Graphics Way, Suite 3100 Lewis Center, Ohio 43035
Phone: 740.428.0428
Fax: 740.909.4077
Intake: 614.889.5722 Ext. 133
Who We Are
Syntero, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that advocates and supports the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities by providing professional, compassionate expert counseling and community-based services that adapt to the changing needs of the community. Syntero has been providing evidence-based, trauma-informed support in central Ohio for more than 45 years. With offices in Dublin, Hilliard, Lewis Center and Mount Gilead, Syntero programs and services are offered throughout Franklin, Delaware and Morrow Counties.
LGBTQ+ community, Older Adults, BIPOC mothers

Phone: 800.859.5665
Email: engagementspecialists@buckeyeranch.org
Web: http://buckeyeranch.org/
4653 E. Main St.
Whitehall, OH 43213
Who We Are
The Buckeye Ranch is a private non-profit that has been raising hope and restoring healing for youth and families in Ohio through behavioral and mental health services for over 60 years. Each day, more than 2,350 youth are in The Buckeye Ranch’s care across their six locations, receiving services across their four service lines – Child Welfare, Community and Education-Based, Residential and Integrated Care – designed to help them become successful within their families, schools and communities.
Somali Community, LGBTQIA+ Community

Phone: 614.227.9694
Email: umadaopfranklincounty@gmail.com
Web: http://umadaopfc.com/
700 Bryden Road, Suite 210
Columbus, OH 43215
Who We Are
The Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program of Franklin County, Inc. (UMADAOP) is designed to deliver Substance Use Disorder (SUD) prevention services to youth and families in Franklin County, primarily in South Linden, and Reentry services in Franklin County. UMADAOP strives to help youth and adults build healthy, SUD and violence-free lives. Prevention programs provide education, mentoring, youth-led, community, and social activities through in-school, after-school, and summer programs. Community events are also provided in collaboration with community partners. UMADAOP also provides Reentry services in Franklin County, assisting adults reentering society from incarceration in building healthy, non-criminalized lifestyles. The reentry program provides education classes and mentoring services and connects participants to other necessary services, such as employment, housing, and education.